The Serial dropdown contains pallets currently located at the Origination location. If the pallet number you want to put on a position is not in the Serial dropdown, you must do a pallet search to determine if the pallet number was last recorded at a different location, or if it is not in the system at all.
Select Unlisted K4 in the Serial dropdown. The following Pallet Search popup appears:
As search criteria, enter any consecutive string of characters from the pallet number:
Click Check.
If the entered number is not found in the database, you will receive the following result:
Click Add, or Cancel.
If clicking Cancel, no action needed.
If clicking Add, complete the following popup, including adding a Type in front of the Serial Number.
Select a Type to be placed in front of the Serial Number.
Enter your desired Serial Number:
Note: You don't have to add "K4" at the end - the program will do that for you, if you don't include it in your manual entry.
Click Add. The new pallet number appears in the position you are filling, and it is added to the database (when you click Save, after you have completed the row of information).
If the entered number is found, you will be given a single result, or a dropdown list of multiple results (In this "found" example, the searched-for string is not 123456, but 1234.):
Open the dropdown:
If your desired pallet number is not among the results
Select a Type in front of the Serial Number:
Enter your desired Serial Number:
If your desired pallet number is among the results
Select the desired pallet number
The following message will appear:
Click Save to relocate the pallet. The pallet number will be relocated to this location and the number will fill the Serial field.
Click Cancel to close the pallet search popup and return to the loading screen.