You can perform an inventory of the pallets at a station. You also can print the inventory screen, giving you a worksheet to check off pallets as you work "in the field".
There can be:
At the Computer...
In the Reports dropdown, select Station ULD Inventory. The ULD Station Inventory report appears.
Select the location from the Location dropdown.
Select pallet Type, either a single type or "-All-"
Click View Report. The report populates with the pallets identified for the selected location.
Export and print the screen.
Click the Export button and choose the document type.
The requested document will appear.
Save the document.
Print the document with its list of pallets. This will give you a paper worksheet on which you can record pallets as you identify them.
Extra Nets / Straps / Corner Ropes
Note: As you do your inventory, you are also required to count Extra Nets, Straps, and Corner Ropes and enter them in their respective fields on the screen. The pallet data will not save until you have made entries for the nets, straps and ropes.
Outside, Conducting the Inventory...
Conduct your inventory - using the printed worksheet - and check the Checked boxes for pallets as you find them.
If a pallet is damaged, also check the pallet's Damaged check box and add comments, as appropriate.
If you find a pallet in your inventory that is not on the Station ULD Inventory report (and therefore not on your printed worksheet), make note of its serial number and whether it is damaged, then enter it into the system when you return to your computer.
Back at the Computer...
When you complete your visual inventory, return to your computer and record your data using your printed worksheet as a guide.
In the Transactions dropdown, select Station ULD Inventory. The ULD Station Inventory screen appears. It will include the same list of pallets that you printed out.
Enter the amounts for Extra Nets, Straps, and Corner Ropes in their appropriate fields.
For each pallet not found, do not check the Checked nor Damaged boxes. You may include a comment.
For each pallet found, check the Checked boxes, as appropriate.
Alternative Manual Entry: In your physical search for pallets, it is likely you will find pallets not in the order they are listed on the screen and therefore on your paper copy of the screen.
To enter pallets in the order you find them, type the entire pallet number (including prefix and suffix) in the Mark text box
and click Enter, or the Mark button. The list will scroll to that pallet and mark it as "Checked".
Note: If the pallet number you entered doesn't exist, the pallet search popup will appear with the pallet number entered. Follow the pallet search process.
To un-check a Checked or Damaged check box, go to the pallet's row and manually un-check the Checked or Damaged boxes, as appropriate.
Damaged - For each pallet found, check the Damaged boxes, if appropriate.
Comment - Enter text in the Comment field, as appropriate.
Add Unlisted K4 - If needed, add new pallet numbers by clicking Add Unlisted K4 and conducting a pallet search.
Confirm you have checked the Checked box for all pallets you found at this location.
Confirm you have checked the Damaged box for any damaged pallet found at this location.
Click Save to save your work. An Inventory Audit Exception Report popup will appear (Also, you will receive an email containing the Inventory Audit Exception Report.).
Note: If the Inventory Audit Exception Report shows a pallet "Not reported as present", but you are certain the pallet IS at this location, you might not have checked the Checked box for that pallet before clicking Save. Repeat Step 7 for that pallet: Check the Checked box, as appropriate, and click Save again.
After noting (and printing, if you desire) the information on the Inventory Audit Exception Report, click Close on the popup to close it.